​“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”
― Mary Anne Radmacher
Your donations will bring about a lasting change in the lives of our beneficiaries.

Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can donate:

you could do a “PAYNOW” to
UEN T19SS0046H
Kindly email the following to info@lifeccs.org upon transaction.
Please indicate the following in the email ​
Your Full Name
Your contact number
Attach the e-Receipt
Do indicate if you require a receipt for your donation
Life Centre Community Services
Account Number:
Kindly email the following to info@lifeccs.org upon transaction.
Please indicate the following in the email ​
Your Full Name
Your contact number
Attach the e-Receipt
Do indicate if you require a receipt for your donation
By Check
Please make all cheque to
Life Centre Community Services
Over the Phone
It's easy to donate offline too.
(65) 6753 6730 | (65) 96553787 (WhatsApp)
In Person
Life Centre Community Services
3 Yishun Street 11, Singapore 768645